Stepping Stone Housing, Inc.
We have many volunteer opportunities:

There is always something that needs to be done to maintain and improve our properties. Painting, Planting, Building, Repairing, etc. Some jobs take some skills but other could be as simple as weeding. If you would like to help please contact our volunteer coordinator Lonnie Anderson at lonnieba@gmail.com

Volunteers are needed to help with the Permanent Yard Sale. Things we could use are sorting and pricing donated items, picking up donated items, and helping on yard sale days. If you can help please contact Karen at karen@bacheldercpa.com.

Do you have other skills or interests that could benefit SSHI? Please let us know! director@steppingstonehousing.org.
Here is a partial list of current volunteer opportunities:
Weeding a ground cover bed;
Painting a storage shed;
Taking debris to transfer station;
Building and installing screen doors;
Building a deck;
Sawing fallen trees and disposing of debris;
General clean up;
Creating and maintaining plantings.